The Art on the Wall series is part of a multi-cultural exploration into the nature of creativity and understanding. The theme for the first four years came from the Classical Greek elements (earth, air, fire and water) that underscore Western understanding of the world around us. These were followed by the Chinese components of earth -- stone, metal and wood. Breaking from the classic components, this year begins an exploration of contemporary ideas.
These displayed works (the 9th in the series) examine the CARNIVAL as both an emotional and visual experience. This theme relates to theatre, drama, and the interpretation of those experiences. As before, twelve artists were given identical formats to work with and then asked to interpret the theme in any way they wanted with the medium they normally work in. The artists in this show also discuss childhood memories as well as bold and colorful sights and sounds.
Going back many centuries, the idea of a carnival is still present in our everyday lives. It is a universal theme that most people can relate to on some level. The resulting artwork speaks for itself. The artists hope their work will create within you some thoughtful responses and questions.
Carol Hassen, 2019