Box Office » 509-853-2787

Get Involved

We are a community-based, board-driven, non-profit organization that brings top-quality performing arts events to Central Washington. Even if we sold every ticket it would not cover the cost for this year’s season. By working together, we enjoy the very best of what we call quality-of-life.

You make the Difference.

Donate to Capitol Theatre

Support the Capitol Theatre

Your contribution directly sustains our mission to offer diverse programming, ensure community access, and preserve our rich historical and cultural heritage. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit, all donations are tax-deductible.

How Your Donation Helps:

Your generosity makes a difference, thank you.

Make a Donation

Become a Friend

Capitol Friends are group of patrons who are engaged with the theatre beyond attending shows.  Each season when you give or subscribe, include Capitol Friends and enjoy these special benefits: 

Become a Friend

Mission Driven Underwriting

If your community engagement is more educational focused, underwriting our mission driven programming like our Capitol Kids or Global Voices series may be the right fit.

Each year, thousands of local school children come to the Theatre for a live, professional performing arts experience through the Capitol Kids series. We also bring musical artists from around the globe to expand the cultural experience of young people and adults alike with our Global Voices series. Mission driven program underwriting has expanded many of these events to include full-week residencies that bring the artists into schools and communities throughout the Valley for a deeper and richer engagement with the arts. 

Contact us for more information.

Corporate Sponsorship

Your business can support the performing arts in Central Washington through underwriting, advertising, or other community partnerships. Support from our business community is critical to preserving the Capitol Theatre as a resource for the community. Sponsorships help defray the cost of bring world-class performing arts entertainment to Yakima and help keep ticket prices affordable for a wider segment of the area’s population.

BENEFITS to your Business:

Become a Sponsor


It takes an incredible number of dedicated staff, volunteers, and supporters to accomplish the performing arts you see on our stage. Volunteering is a wonderful way to use your talents, skills, and love for the theatre. There are a variety of volunteer opportunities available, sign up to learn more and to participate at the Capitol Theatre.

Sign Up Now Volunteer Login

Matching Gifts

Does your company offer a matching gift program for your community philanthropy? If so, you can automatically double—or triple—the impact of your annual fund giving through your employer’s matching gift program. To make a matching gift simply check with your employer or contact your Human Resources Department for a matching gift form (if applicable). Complete the form and mail it with your gift to: The Capitol Theatre Committee P.O. Box 102 • Yakima, WA 98907

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for More Information
or to order tickets

Box Office

M-F 11am-4pm
11am - Show Time on Show Days

The Capitol Theatre

19 S. 3rd Street
Yakima, WA

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